Over this course , I have begun to understand a lot more about digital humanities as a whole. At first I thought this course would simply be about how to create a website and the tools in it. It was much more than that however , and over time I realized just how integrated digital humanities is within my everyday life. Sometimes it was difficult, and things such as my website security, Omeka installation, and especially embedding not embedding properly. I managed to get through most of these things with a few questions in Mattermost (even though embedding still gives me a headache sometimes). As I’ve mentioned a few times, there was some things we learned that I love and will likely use in the future just for fun, (Twine, WordPress), and there are some things that I struggled with a bit more (Omeka, Timelines). Omeka and Timelines gave me so much trouble when displaying pictures, but I always managed to work through it. I’ve learned a lot of important things about different ways to troubleshoot issues and perseverance when it isn’t going in the direction I would like my work to go in. Digital humanities is such a large subject matter that I’ve been glad to scratch the surface of. From looking into internet and AI biases, to looking into digital humanities methods of telling a person’s story in a unique and engaging way. This course was a lot different from my usual course, and it has been great to explore different and importance uses of the internet. I’m made a lot of progress in my understanding of digital humanities and I am proud of myself for this progress.