Using Metadata

This week we were asked to use add metadata to a few items on our Omeka archive. I uploaded two small sound files, two small videos, and a picture to my archive this week. I chose to focus on pictures and videos of my dog this week simply because he is too cute! In order to get a better idea of what I will be adding to my Pets collection I also added a small audio file describing the types of content I will add to the collection. In addition to this I added an audio file describing the main subject for this collection, my dog Otis! These items can be found here The only difficulty I encountered during this process was uploading some of the videos, as at firs they were too large to convert to MP4 using free online converters I could find. Metadata can help users find what they are looking for on my site, as well as provide insight into what the video and audio files will contain without having to watch them. Overall metadata helps improve user experience greatly!

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