Working with Omeka

I found the installation of Omeka relatively smooth and simple, and ad no problems with it. Using it however, had a bit of a learning curve, especially in comparison to WordPress. It lacks the same customization WordPress has, however the preset themes it gives you are all nice and there are some options to customize page and text colours. I wasn’t able to get thumbnails for the things I posted, which I found made the site less pleasing to look at and use since you have to click on each picture to see what it is. I chose a picture of my friend’s cat to upload since I thought he was just so adorable! I also chose to upload a picture of some tasty homemade gyoza from earlier that day (the picture doesn’t capture how tasty it was!). This website is one that uses Omeka I love the clean, modern look of this site and how they have multiple ways to access all of the different pictures and information. There is a direct search bar as well as a drop down menu for ease of access. If this is an individuals first time viewing the website, the front page has a simple and easy to navigate format along with thumbnail pictures to help is a person is searching for something specific. Overall, I have a while to go with learning all about Omeka but so far I am enjoying it!

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